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Sponsored by Pakistan! Anti-India Labour MP who was denied visa by India turns out to be a paid asset of Pakistan

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Labour Party MP- Debbie Abrahams, a declared anti-India political activist and Chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Kashmir (APPGK) has now been exposed as a fraudulent scamster receiving money from her masters in Pakistan.

A report by AsianLite has revealed that only this year, on February 18th, Abrahams received close to PKR 30 Lakh for a visit by an AAGK delegation, headed by Abrahams herself, to Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK).

The report said that the register of all-party parliamentary groups reveals that “All Party Parliamentary Group on Kashmir” (APPGK), which is chaired by Labour MP Debbie Abrahams, received a benefit of between 29.7 lakh PKR and 31.2 lakh PKR (close to USD 18,000) on February 18 from the Pakistan government for a visit to PoK between February 18-22.

APPGK is a dedicated anti-India Parliamentary group in the UK, whose sole purpose of existence is the regular derision of India. The APPGK consists of MPs from both the Labour and Conservative Parties, along with some parliamentarians of Pakistani descent. They foolishly demand self-determination rights for Kashmiris and seek additional support from UK MPs apart from highlighting alleged “human rights abuses” in Kashmir.

Effectively, Pakistan paid the APPGK, led by Debbie Abrahams to visit PoK. How much monetary benefits the anti-India MP must be receiving personally from Pakistan is not yet a matter of public knowledge. Also, this is not the first time that her parliamentary group has received a large sum of money from Pakistan. On September 17, 2018, the Pakistan High Commission in London gave around 12,000 pounds to the group to fund a visit to Islamabad and Kashmir between September 17-20 that year.

Debbie Abrahams is the same MP who was denied entry into India by authorities in February. There was much furore among the liberal circles of India regarding the move, and the international “Kashmiri self-determination” lobby was shocked seeing one of their own being humiliated upon landing in India. The MP was denied entry by authorities on grounds of her e-visa not being valid, and she was subsequently deported to Dubai on February 17. Then MEA spokesperson Raveesh Kumar had said, “We believe that her statements and ideology are anti-India. There is a sustained campaign from her side against India…She came here without a valid visa so we sent her back “badi izzat se” from Delhi Airport.”

Debbie Abrahams went bonkers last year, when the Modi government abrogated Article 370 and fully integrated the region with India, while also bifurcating the state into two separate union territories. She had written a letter to India’s then High Commissioner to the UK, Ruchi Ghanashyam expressing “grave concern” from MPs and peers about the removal of Kashmir’s special status. Parallelly, she also wrote to the UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, saying that India’s actions in Kashmir violated international law and requested the UK to call for a temporary prohibition on New Delhi’s moves, to no avail, of course. India’s intelligence agencies had also earlier revealed that Debbie Abrahams was in contact with an ISI stooge, Raja Najabat Hussain, chairman of the Jammu and Kashmir Self Determination Movement International (JKSDMI), which is on the payrolls of the ISI.

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